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Welcome to Little Miss!

Hello Friends,

Welcome to my new blog, Little Miss! I am jumping with joy to be a blogger for this website. By the way, if you don't know me, hi, I'm Esther (Pronounced Ester, the h is silent.), I love sharing my tips about beauty and life.

To me the world can be a complicated place with twists and discoveries at every turn. Every day I wake up and think to myself, what will I do today to make the world a better place. That were Little Miss comes in. This is a friendly place where you can ask for advice, look at tutorials on many things and share

ideas. If you have any questions about a blog post or suggestions for what I should do next, don't be faked to contact me.

Thank you so much for finding and viewing my blog (even if it was an accident)! Make my day and sign up for emails on my posts and updates!

Love From


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